WordPress Mega Menu Themes for Your Brave Ideas

Do you want your products to appear visible at a glance? You are at the right place. 这种类型的可扩展列表,下拉,使您的物品清单容易察觉. No doubt that expandable WordPress mega menus win the trust of customers. It is one of the best practices for web apps with a slew of options. That can be layouts, posts, categories, or subcategories. Whatever it is, make your catalog pleasing to the eye.

So, ready to upgrade your page navigation? Then this advanced solution will meet your needs.

The number of items you want to showcase in it doesn't matter. The thing that it does perfectly is that it impacts conversion rates positively. So, the visitors find more while helping you sell more.

Why does it matter to your audience? They skip scrolling. Everything is visible at once.

Use a vertical or horizontal listing, left-hand or right-hand navigation; it is up to you. It depends on your audience and your business goals. When you know both, you will utilize the right style.

Why not show your inventory on multiple levels? Bigger players already utilize the power of multilevel site architecture. So, you are not alone.

Why Should You Use WordPress Mega Menu Themes?

There is something to remember – mega menus work. That is one of the biggest advantages you get with it.

Thus, it

  1. offers a better user experience;
  2. has a well-organized style;
  3. lets you add images, icons, or other typography;
  4. is functional and stylish.

Other benefits are listed below:

  • #1 If you think scrolling is great, think again.

Ok, Google, do customers like scrolling?

Short answer: No.

Long answer: Scrolling is pain.

Your options at the top of the catalog hide when they scroll. Customers have two ways: to learn where to go or rely on memory. None of those options is acceptable. Visitors want to get what they are looking for in an easy-to-do way. Once an issue happens, they are more likely to leave. So, help them accomplish tasks on your app.

  • #2 They are great for any project, not only eCommerce.

Have you ever shopped or read newspapers online? At least once. Then you understand the volume of much lower-level information they provide. Making it accessible for visitors is easy with the expandable menu.

  • #3 It creates detailed flows.

与下拉菜单在一个列中提供多个选项不同,超级菜单有另一种方式. They create relationships between items. A visitor sees a multi-level dropdown listing with everything you offer. And with what you want your audience to see.

When Using Mega Menus is Appropriate?

Expandable listings can accommodate a slew of links and still look visually appealing. That is one of the reasons they improve conversion rates for large web apps. They work best for two or three clicks of deep content via a normal hierarchical listing. And eCommerce websites are the best candidate to benefit from that.

What is the type of your page? Check the benefits your web portal can get with it.

An online store

Each estore benefits. That is what your visitors expect to get. It is not optional but must. That way, it offers the best user experience.

Fashion and clothes stores

An expandable listing is best here. Building such a difficult platform is a challenging task. There are multiple categories and subcategories, different sizes and choices, genders and ages, and the list goes on and on. With the mega menü WordPress approach, 你的应用程序为任何登陆它的人提供了一种更顺畅、更简单的探索收藏的方式. When you care for your audience, you get an increase in sales.

Hotels and restaurant websites

Mega menu navigation is also the best way to go. It will help display the different types of rooms, leisure activities, and meal plans.

Finally, blogs and magazine websites like Mashable prove that content-based websites can use this approach as well.

When Using Mega Menus is not Appropriate?

Like any other thing, WordPress mega menu is only sometimes the best option. And that is okay. Check whether that is your case below.

If your site doesn’t have many links

You have a small-sized app. One page layout is enough, while several pages need to be clarified. In turn, a clean app is great, but an empty one is not.

If you have a slew of links

It only needs expanded navigation if it uses a few links to subpages. The public sector sites do not use it compared to those in retail.

Sales funnel

Your app sells one or two products or encourages visitors to subscribe to emails. Often, it uses a banner on the homepage that redirects users to a landing page. In this case, navigation should be minimal. Any extra option will only distract visitors from what you want them to do.

On mobile

It doesn't work on mobile. Small screens make your navigation look like a mess. Megamenu plus scrolling is confusing.

WordPress Mega Menu Themes Best Practices

当简单的下拉菜单对于网站界面来说太大时,超级菜单是一个很好的选择. Imagine a large website that shows multiple features to visitors. Think all they are visible? Think again. Scrolling is never a good idea for big websites.

Let users see all options at a glance. With proper megamenu WP navigation, they will see it without remembering. Therefore, they fully understand the choice they are going to make.

大型菜单可以改善网站的用户体验设计,并鼓励访问者长时间探索它. However, you should follow some best practices to ensure a flawless app tour.

Keep the list below in your mind.

  1. Keep it simple. Always. Ensure it is easy for users to scan.
  2. Prioritize responsive design.
  3. 保持标题和列表的高度不超过屏幕高度的一半到2/3.
  4. Add icons or images to make it engaging.
  5. Don’t overload the visitors with choices. The number of columns should not exceed five.
  6. Use one single link color. Keep distance between links.
  7. Ensure all catalog items are visible at once. Skip the scrolling. Think of it as a small preview page.
  8. Use one single trigger option to hover or click.

WordPress Mega Menu Themes for Your Ecommerce Website

Like it or not, today’s websites tend to cover more in-depth topics. With all that information, visitors should be able to dive into it without difficulty. Dropdown menus are a bad choice. They can’t offer that convenience.

For example, eCommerce websites. You know how difficult it can be. The choice has no end for thousands of products, different categories, related items, and product reviews. So, how to see all that content quickly?

Use megamenus.

你的访问者会浏览那些有吸引力的,然后深入到他们喜欢的. And the best part is that the exploring process is smooth and user-friendly.

How to Add WordPress Mega Menu Functionality to Your Website

It is a goof-proof feature that gives your catalog a second glance. Although WP doesn’t support it by default, there is nothing to worry about. Want to skip extra issues with installing additional plugins or extensions? Forget that. With WordPress mega menu themes, your web design will improve.

Suppose you want to design a professional layout. Beyond that, enrich it with multiple handy elements, including video or audio files, portfolios, blog designs, or some goods from your online store. In that case, check out our collection of beautiful multipurpose website templates available on Templateog体育首页's marketplace.

Adding the right listing functionality to your site is easy. 选择最好的高级WordPress超级菜单主题,并选择一个提供所需功能级别的主题. Merimag theme is what you need.

它捆绑了你可能需要的一切,以建立一个功能齐全的网站,而不会影响你的SEO. Speaking of navigation, the template has many features concerning menus. If you don’t like what you see, change it.

Add new items, categories, links, or images to it. Customize the typeface. Design, layout, or any other design element you want. There are so many options and functions that can be added here. 关键是要理解你希望你的清单看起来是什么样子,并让你的受众尽可能容易地使用它.

In contrast, let's say you don't find any templates you like. Hard to imagine, right? Anyway, what are your options? Everything is simple. You create a custom one using the Elementor JetMenu plugin.

How to Design Your Mega Menu Navigation Using Elementor

The idea is the same. It allows you to customize every tiny detail of your menu route. Moreover, you control the behavior of your catalog. You decide how different listings will look on other parts of your app.

By way of example, the Hello Elementor child theme is a perfect solution to go with. It works great for business sites of all topics. Also, it is optimized for high performance and control. So, if you wanted to get started with Elementor, that would be your best ally.

Getting started is easy. Set up your basic listing using regular settings. Then go to Appearance – Menus to see your options. You will see different optional settings that you might want to configure.

By way of example, set a catalog width or custom padding. Don’t like what you see? Try to change the position. If you are unsure whether it will be worth the change, you are always welcome to come back to these settings later when you feel you are ready.

It is always a good rule of thumb not to go too high. A two/to three-column layout is always the best practice to start. Try it, and you will have a perfect head start.

Once you check it, don’t stop there. Explore the best Elementor Mega Menu templates and see that each option is worth a shot.

How to Avoid Issues with Mega Menus?

Navigation and menus are two big areas where your site can make or break your SEO. Clear navigation is your best chance to influence your internal pages’ rank.

Mega menus are not the wrong fit for every site every time. Instead, they make eCommerce sites better-indexed. They have their place when used in a smart, practical way that achieves a user’s (and business's) goal.

Do it right, and it helps search engines understand how your site is laid out. Do it wrong, and your navigation can hamper hierarchical URL structures.

Nicely structured and logical layouts get the most favor from Google. Struggle to get one? Then consider user flow and what pages are important when designing a navigational menu. It is vital. Don’t put every page in your listing. Instead, create a clear crawl path from the homepage to every other page on the site.

This way, you help your audience to flow to that subset of layouts.

Also, ensure your app route doesn’t end up with the majority of content on the layout. Google tends to look at pages from a top-down position. So, keep your most important content at the top of your page. So, Google gets the right message of importance.

Top Features of WordPress Mega Menu Themes

Besides an expandable menu, first-class templates also come with many handy features you would like to work with. Key features include:

  • One-click import and worry-free installation;
  • Fully adaptive design and Retina-ready layout;
  • Powerful admin panel to manage your site;
  • 适用于各种主题(动物、教育、商业、设计、房地产等)的多功能设计.);
  • User-friendly website builders (Elementor, WPBakery, Gutenberg, Cherry, Visual Composer, MotoPress, etc.);
  • Optimization with the latest SEO practices;
  • WooCommerce integration for launching online stores;
  • Compatibility with the best premium plugins to enhance the site functionality;
  • Working web forms for contacting, login, searching, or booking;
  • Sample data installer, etc.

Let’s mention a few more features that include:

  • Google Maps integration;
  • Ability to mold your site into whatever you want with no coding issues;
  • Powerful theme settings to customize the appearance of your layout;
  • Pre-designed pages, sections, and modules to create the design you want;
  • GDPR compliance;
  • Translation-ready and RTL support;
  • Ajax functionality;
  • Beautiful Google fonts;
  • Cross-browser compatibility, etc.
  • Customer support.

Who Will Enjoy Working With Our Mega Menu WordPress Themes?

Whether a business owner or museum manager, WordPress主题将增加您的企业的声誉,并推动游客到它. These types of themes are also suitable for the following:

  1. Bloggers related to all kinds of industries;
  2. Art or museum galleries;
  3. Professional business portfolio;
  4. Online Store/Shop;
  5. One Page Templates;
  6. Fashion magazines;
  7. Resume templates;
  8. Economic forum websites, etc.

Our Top Mega Menu WordPress Themes Pick

Although the crowd is getting bigger online, there is still room for anyone who wants to get a piece of that coveted pie. Instead of wasting time on low-quality options, we bring you first-class premium templates for an immediate start. The last thing you want is to mess things up with the outdated design. But that's not something you need to worry about when using our premium templates.


#1 Hazel - Clean Minimalist Multi-purpose WordPress Theme

This minimal and stylish multi-purpose WordPress theme is the top pick for many. 你有16个现成的设计为下一个web项目,你可以个性化,没有编码问题. That is one of the best options for business & corporate websites. Also, it is a nice pick for creative folks who want to stay competitive online. WPBakery is the major page builder for crafting pages. Also, it supports WooCommerce, Revolution Slider, and WPML plugins.

For more goodies, click the Details button.

#2 Alma - Minimalist WordPress Theme

Alma is the best option to try if you are into art and culture. The list of premium features bundled into the package will surprise you. 强大的管理面板,Ajax功能,事件功能,和津贴的列表是巨大的. Its fully responsive design will fit any screen. Whether one or a multipage website, Alma works for all. 最好的部分是,你可以开发一个世界级的网站,零编码经验.

Other notable features found in the package.

#3 Merimag - Elementor Blog Magazine and News WordPress Theme

This beautifully made template has a clear style and an eye-pleasing design. Install the package in one click and enjoy the various useful features from day one. The best part about this template is that it supports several website builders. Elementor, Beaver, Gutenberg, or WPBakery, it is up to you to decide. It packs different pre-made demos that are simple and fast to install. 超过18个现成的皮肤将帮助您开始没有先前的编码经验.

Take the time to explore the power of the Merimag theme, and you won’t regret it.

#4 MyNFTs - NFT Creator WordPress Theme

如果你想挑战自己,成为一个有创造力的人,没有比mynft更好的选择了. 这个NFT创建者WordPress主题使用元素页面构建器来制作漂亮的页面布局. 接下来,它是优化性能,给你的访客最好的在线用户体验. In addition, the template is optimized for SEO. Therefore, your content is more likely to appear at the top of the SERP results. Don’t like anything you see? Change it.

#5 Webona - IT Solutions & Business Service WordPress Theme

When you decide to use Webona for your next website, you’ll get one of the most customizable templates. That is a lightweight option that lets your pages load almost immediately. It works best for business and corporate websites. Also, it features a library of pop-up forms to inform your users about the latest news, events, or special prices. Say goodbye to poor, outdated websites with Webona. You should create a fresh, quick, and feature-rich site with a mega menu.

Mega Menu WordPress Themes Video

如果你想了解更多关于mega菜单并在WordPress中管理它,请查看这个信息丰富且详细的教程. Moreover, you can subscribe to a course and become a pro in WordPress. 订阅我们的频道,在社交媒体上关注我们,获取网页设计行业的最新动态.

WordPress Mega Menu Themes FAQ

What are the WordPress mega menu themes compatible with?

Themes are compatible with all WordPress versions starting from 3.6.x to the newest 5.5x. It is also suitable for WooCommerce. 此外,我们的大型菜单主题与MailChimp, WPML等软件兼容.

What kind of animation do WordPress mega menu themes have?

The theme has multiple animation options you can enjoy. To name a few, they are background video, lazy load effect, static, and others.

How much do WordPress mega menu themes cost?

We have a wide selection of themes available for all kinds of budgets. In general, our prices range from $45 to $98. For your convenience, you can filter themes by price in the upper right part of the page. You can choose the lowest price or the highest priced options.

Do Templateog体育首页's mega menu WordPress themes have a demo version?

Yes, of course. Our products come with a Mega Menu demo version to help you choose. You should select a design on the general page you plan to purchase and click on it. There, you will get a detailed description of it. In the upper right corner, you will see a long red button named Live Demo. Click on it, and you will see how your website will appear once you purchase our product.