
Monifee RockThemes

This fresh-looking, responsive Magento theme is just what you need to build an online store selling frozen foods, candy, and organic products。It includes a proprietary plug-in designed to extend the functionality of your store: Ajax...
减价出售: 48
Support: 4.1/5
Obveris- Clean grocery Magento theme
创建一个全新的在线杂货店并提高您的食品销量。Just agree that it's much more convenient to order all the necessary products on the road and free up time for more enjoyable things。All you need is an appetising website and a good marketing strategy。该模板将解决网站设计的问题。其明亮、有吸引力的图像将使顾客垂涎欲滴。请注意,背景图像产生深度感和透视感。滑块周围放置的横幅具有缩放效果。新产品标有橙色贴纸。人们普遍认为橙色可以刺激食欲和大脑活动。我们希望您喜欢现在屏幕上的模板。今天它就可以成为你的了。
减价出售: 10
Support: 4.1/5
东方美食在西方食客中越来越受欢迎。While it's unusual for some of us, many others can't live without sushi, Asian noodles, and other delicacies。Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to eat out and enjoy Oriental cuisine in fine restaurants。这就是网上亚洲食品店派上用场的时候。Choose this theme and you will be able to build an amazing website where buyers can find anything they need to create a culinary masterpiece。Bamboo paper textures on the background and delicious photos of Asian cuisine create the atmosphere of an authentic Oriental grocery store and inspire the desire to try everything。Clever organization of content blocks, clear and legible fonts, lively banners and usable navigation menus make it easy to find whatever you need。Once a product is purchased from you, people will not resist the temptation to come back again。Templateog体育首页 Market Templateog体育首页...
减价出售: 10
Support: 3/5
以这个一流的主题建造一家强大的食品店。It provides a clean and minimalistic layout, so you can make your content look structured and organized。The responsive design delivers excellent performance at any screen resolution, whether it's a desktop or a fourth-screen device。Thanks to a variety of flexible options, you can adapt this food store to your preferences...
减价出售: 28
Support: 3/5
If visitors to your online food store are suddenly hungry, you can be sure its design is just right。This ready-made delicious theme will have the same effect, and your store will have the power to attract viewers。Bright red and green, large images of delicious food, and catchy sliders make this theme so delicious it's hard to miss。Viewers will also enjoy easy navigation, smart search, and a pleasant shopping experience, which is a guarantee that they will follow up。Templateog体育首页 Market Templateog体育首页...
减价出售: 39
Support: 3/5
Sometimes, we need something sweet and tasty to treat ourselves, and in that case, the candy store is the first place to go。引人注目的设计正是任何在线商店成功的关键。Choose this theme and you will be able to build an impressive website with a bright layout and mouth-watering images that won't confuse anyone。Every element of this design, including simple menu categories, vibrant sliders, feature blocks with mouth-watering images and eye-catching buttons, and intuitive search options, makes your website a resounding showcase for your business。Open a great candy store and make your visitors' lives sweet。该模板可以在2014...
减价出售: 11
Support: 3/5
Flavoring dishes with spices has become a popular trend in modern cooking, as they add a special flavor to meals and sometimes even prevent disease。If you want to help companies that produce spices promote these ingredients online, you can benefit greatly from this template。Its homepage has plenty of pictures depicting spiced dishes that have everyone salivating。You can also emphasize that spices can energize organisms and increase people's interest in these products through a website color palette dominated by green。Using this template can help foodies add a spicy flavor to their breakfasts, lunches, and dinners and build up their body strength。Templateog体育首页 Market Templateog体育首页...
减价出售: 12
Support: 3/5
Whether you're at home or in a movie theater, it's a tradition to have a bucket of popcorn before watching a movie。Since this snack food is now so popular, it is profitable to start a business selling popcorn。The first step in promoting it is to build an online platform using the theme。Its bright visuals will capture the attention of everyone who enters your website。Thanks to the combination of red and yellow, you'll be able to inspire people to order popcorn on your online resources, while green will encourage them to ultimately make a decision in your favor。Looking at the popcorn image in the slider and featured section, people will feel their appetite increase, which is another useful factor that prompts them to press the buy button。This theme is a real boon for popcorn sellers aiming to increase profits。Templateog体育首页 Market Templateog体育首页...
减价出售: 4
Support: 3/5
温暖的金色色调使设计看起来很昂贵。橙色元素刺激买家的活跃度和食欲。他们还引导客户的眼睛浏览页面。搜索表单内置于主菜单栏中。横幅放置在滑块图像上。新产品配有说明和号召性用语按钮。更多横幅放置在页脚上方。Newsletter subscription forms as well as social sharing blocks, ancillary menus and contact information can be found in the footer。为您的酒精饮料商店选择这种设计。Templateog体育首页 Market Templateog体育首页...
减价出售: 2
Support: 3/5

The best food Magento theme for your online store

Are you looking for a solution to make your business more efficient and successful?你想把你的杂货店搬到网上吗? Templateog体育首页 offers you the perfect choice。网站是现代现实中的必需品。不要错过这个比竞争对手更好的机会。

Our Magento Food theme contains all the necessary features to make the online experience a breeze。他们充满了Ajax。This means that functions such as adding products to a shopping cart or wish list, product searches, or filters will be performed in milliseconds without having to reload the entire page。酷吧?!不过,不要相信它;查看现场演示!

杂货店 Magento 主题的功能

In addition to this, each Food Magento theme contains a large number of social media ICONS that can be easily linked to the corresponding network, thus giving your customers the freedom to share。简单直观的导航增强了大照片的影响力。Here is a list of the main Magento themed features of grocery stores:

  • 超级菜单。This feature is an amazing extension for creating beautiful custom menus for your site。 Megamenu needs fine-tuning, has a large number of options to choose from, and is able to display posts, categories, and subcategories。 Megamenu is a must-have feature that can easily boost your SEO and user experience。
  • 博客。公司博客卷可以显示在网站的主页上。此功能将有助于保持观众的参与度。Blogs also offer higher SEO rankings and a seamless visitor experience。
  • 排序选项。此功能为在线购物者提供了多种产品展示选项。Therefore, you can select a grid - or list-based view to sort items by displaying products alphabetically, by best-selling, by price, and so on。This is an Ajax-based feature, so all changes can be applied without reloading the page。
  • TM Ajax 搜索。使用此功能,您可以在键入时获取搜索结果。As you continue to type, the results shrink, but you can always delete characters and see the broader results again。
  • 100% 响应。Your web page will quickly adapt to any device with any screen resolution and size used by visitors。You'll get flexible text and images for your computer, phone, tablet or laptop。它可能会增加您的转化率和客户的信任度。

Choose a Food Magento theme and have fun using the advanced features!Be the best with Templatemonster and impress all your customers。

Who can use the Food Magento e-commerce theme?

The number of online stores is growing every day and this trend will continue。每家公司都了解网站创建的重要性。With an online platform, you can get more visitors and thus make money。它使您有机会在线销售您的产品并展示最新消息。Whether you are a business owner with no coding experience or a professional Web developer, ready-made templates are right for you。You can get technical support and clear documentation from our experts, making editing fast and easy。So who can benefit from using the Food Magento theme?

  • 食品店,
  • 杂货,
  • 市场,
  • 餐馆,
  • 咖啡馆,
  • 自助餐厅,
  • 素食主义者和素食商店,
  • 和更多。

Creating an e-commerce website using a Grocery Store Magento template: Tips and Tricks

Check out tips that might make your Food Magento theme more successful:

  1. 透明的条件。Be honest with your visitors about shipping options, payment options, available discounts, and bonuses。如果您提供折扣,请不要夸大原价。Consumers can always compare the value of a product in reality and evaluate your honesty。If the price of your grocery product is higher than the price of your competitors, please explain to the customer why。For example, if the customer doesn't like them, you can deliver the goods quickly or be ready to take them back。
  2. 对评论和问题的回答。对用户请求数量的快速响应增加了对商店的信任。用户在购买前可能需要更多信息。如果您及时提供,您将收到新订单和满意的客户。在网站和社交网络上与观众合作。
  3. 品牌大使。If your online store is large and well known, its reputation will not be hindered by the presence of a brand ambassador who will spread your values to a wider audience。通常这些人周围已经聚集了忠实的观众。Users respect them, listen to them, and follow their example。大使可以与消费者沟通,帮助他们解决问题。


食品 Magento 模板常见问题解答

Which service should I choose to launch the Food Magento theme?

请查看结帐页面上的顶级服务。If you are looking for the best solution that covers the entire e-commerce website launch and starts with deep SEO optimization, we are happy to provide you with one。With our all-in-one service, we will launch your grocery store and have it ready in a few days, ensuring your online presence on the Internet。从第一天开始,这将有助于吸引新客户。You can also consider using the Basic store configuration to get your online store in a few days。

What kind of support can I get for the Food Magento theme?

购买前,请随时加入实时聊天以获得售前支持。Our managers will be happy to provide you with all the information you have selected。You will receive examples and professional help that match your needs at all stages。购买后,我们为您提供六个月的技术支持。它是免费的。您可以加入在线聊天或使用票务系统。

Do you have free Food Magento themes?

是的,当然。We offer a large number of free Magento templates for grocery stores。Please note that we recommend using free topics to provide information because of their limited functionality。

What information should I provide for the Food Magento theme installation?

请检查您的个人经理的电子邮件以安装模板。We ask you to provide FTP and CPanel access。完全安装大约需要 24 小时。

Magento 食品主题的最佳电子商务工具

We've collected more than 10 useful tools for your Grocery Shop Magento store that will help you increase your sales and improve your customer experience。观看视频并选择您的完美方式来提高转化率。Suitable for food stores, grocery stores, markets, restaurants, cafes, cafeterias, vegetarian and vegetarian shops Magento projects。